Monday, April 18, 2011

Behind the new logo

I need to thank all my voters, who are probably my frequent readers, for voting on the poll for a new name and tag line for my journal. With your help, I have been able to do away with plagiarism and reinstate the creative honor of my journal.

“Laughter Inc” – “Lifes All Ha Ha He He” has been changed from:

To “A Thought Factory” – “My hearts passion is my minds playground”:

I had to add the “A” to the original name because the winner name has been wasted by another blogger.
As all my ideas have been a stroke of genius, the idea for the logo too was a lightning bolt, which struck me while I sat alone in a hotel room in San Jose. I first scanned through all the symbol fonts available in Word and narrowed down to using the circular arrows and the head of a man.

The circular arrows which represent “O”: symbolizes the process of churning thoughts and ideas
The tall “t” and the “~ (tilde)”: symbolizes the exhaust of a factory. In this case, it is the burning and polishing of my thoughts
The head: symbolizes a man with a head and a heart. It is the storehouse of raw unprocessed ideas that will be processed by the factory
The open mouth: symbolizes the outlet for the creative ideas which make up my journal

The current trend for logos is to have them simple and small, but I like to swim against the current and have made mine large.

The explanation of the tag line is quite implicit: My mind gives my many passions a spin that results in innovative ideas that gives me a higher level of self-contentment.

Again, thank you all for your participation in the poll. Appreciate it.


filibuster said...

Hey the logo looks great. The ideation behind it is much better.

Unknown said...

Hi Krishna,

Thanks for leaving behind a comment and appreciating the logo.
