Tuesday, March 22, 2016

An Alternate Hypothesis to the K-Pg Extinction

The K–Pg  (Cretaceous–Paleogene) extinction event was the day an asteroid crashed into Earth, destroyed the Dinosaurs, and others, and assisted in our evolution.
According to my theory, the catastrophe wasn’t caused by an asteroid but by our superior self. Here’s how:

Several hundred millenniums back, life existed on a planet, yet unknown to us today, but hypothesized to be beyond EGS-zs8-1, the most distant and oldest galaxy known by man today. The life form on this planet called themselves Zoirians.

Zoirians were facing extinction, due to depletion of their planet’s natural resources, and a group of elite Zoirian engineers and scientists were tasked to save their kind. From their scanning of the infinite space, they found planets billion of light years away that could support life forms, if treated correctly. Zoirians devised an ingenious plan.

Zoirians developed a sophisticated, first of its kind, vessel capable of traveling billion of light years to these alternative planets. They armed the vessel with ionic guns capable of causing the catastrophe (what humans call K-Pg extinction). Once the native life forms on these alternative planets were destroyed, the same guns would release life regenerative ions that would render the planet fertile for their existence. In addition, the vessel also carried a single celled simple organism payload. This single celled simple organism when released on the surface would grow, evolve and become a Zoirian (Homosapien as we call it now). The only problem with the plan was that it pushed the Zoirians to a very primitive form.

Wave a scientific and theoretical physics wand on this premise and we will have a mind numbing and yet plausible alternative theory to how life began on Earth.

<Dramatical Pause>

So who wants to make the next award winning sci-fi movie?

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