Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Death To Microwaves

Microwaves (the appliance) is the most omnipresent and yet the most derisory piece of technology in existence. I hate Microwaves. Here is why:
  1. The first thought people will have is “is this container microwave safe”. Paper burns, aluminum foil sparks, plastic melts and glass burns your hand. 
  2. The effect of heating results in the food being either too hot or too cold. The degree of hotness is very personal and microwaves just cannot hit those levels. Hence the repeated cycles of heating followed by at least one cycle of cooling.
  3. The food container is 7.14% hotter than the food it contains. Makes me wonder if I was trying to heat the container or the food.
  4. Hot food rises and cold food flows down. Thought this was true only for air. 
  5. It is too much work to test and reheat:
    1. Push a button to open
    2. Pull out the container – Oops! if the container is hot, God dam it! if you spill or drop
    3. Dip the finger
    4. Push the container back in
    5. Close the door 
    6. Press at least one button to reheat. 
    7. Repeat steps 1 to 6, till boredom hits
I prefer the good old burners – gas, electric, coil – any day. 
  1. Even the Kardashian (I hope) will know the container has got to be of steel and will always be hotter than the food. Therefore no burning, no spilling and no additional labor.
  2. It is much less work to test if the food is heated to ones level of hotness:
    1. Just a finger dip every few times
    2. Occasional quick stir to even the heating 
    3. Done
May death come to microwaves (the appliance) sooner! 

Almost everyone will strongly disagree and instantly reject the idea of banishing the microwave, until presented by a better aha! solution.  It’s only then that they will realize how puerile they were to hold that microwave with such reverence when it did everything wrong.

Start the movement #DeathToMicrowave and #NeedBetterHeating