Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wise Cracks

How would you retort to your wife’s criticism of spending an enormous amount of time in the toilet?

I came out not because I had finished but because the laptop ran out of batteries

You don’t need to be Sherlock to deduce the source of this wise-ass crack.

These are a couple of sagacious cracks I have taken seriously enough to remember.

There have been a couple of regional wars at home between my wife, who comes from Noida, a city close to the capital and me, preferring to see myself as being from Mumbai. Amidst one such war ending with serious disability, I commented “The reason why we have the parliament in Delhi and the Sensex in Mumbai is because Delhi is full of stupid fools and Mumbai is full of wise guys”. The intention to assuage ended in heavy bags from women’s fashion stores and fine dining receipts. Every time that I think of it now, I almost believe it, I guess it was money well spent.

I credit my wife for igniting the Socrates. This one is also her provocation.

Success is always on the rooftop of a 1000 storied high rise and not all have the privilege to ride the elevator”. The success being referred to here is for complementing her on every try outs and still being able to check out of the store with empty hands. This thought occurred when she was in changing and I was out scheming. It doesn’t matter who had the success. The fact of the wisdom remains that there are only a few who are blessed with easy wins, for the majority it is simply hard labor and perspiration.

The one earnest wise crack I remember was from a mentor in my early days as a trainee. “A person is as good as the quality of his work on his last day on the job”. I don’t believe he obeyed it at the time but I find myself wishing I hadn’t heard and remembered it. I have seen so many people live days after resignation as retired veterans, sitting around telling stories of their glorious victories to the new recruits. The moment I think of indulging in similar revelries, this thought strikes and I find myself working with the same assiduous zeal as any other day.

Under commit over deliver” … a passing remark by one of my manager. Have you heard Steve Jobs say “…and one more thing”? He always had one more thing to talk about at the end of his presentation. I am in the process of build this, committing reasonable but delivering a little more to build the excitement and confidence.


the g said...

Interesting. When you say empty hand I suppose you don't mean "after spending all the money"

A funny read never the less.

To avoid issues of battery running out, I take books.

the g said...

Oddly enough, the wise crack from your mentor sounds familiar.

Unknown said...

Hi "The G",

Thank you for reading my blog and posting your comments.

I prefer taking books too but at the moment i am running low on them. Till then it will have to be batteries.

I think i would say "empty pockets" to mean having spent all my money. As long as you interpreted my intention correctly, my work is done.

If i have identified you right, those are your words and i am the one who is stuck with them :). I hope i quoted you right.

Thanks for reading

the g said...

Ha ha ha....I do remember the wise crack. Yes you have I denitrified me correctly.

Great post, keep them coming.