Saturday, January 21, 2012


The rich don’t care where they spend.
The poor don’t have much to spend.
And the middle is tormented with what they spend.

I just had a stroke of genius looking at an unrelated resource productivity and velocity chart. The idea that flashed was for creating an analytical solution for the middle class family that is ever so often tormented by their spending and diminishing saving.

At a few low points in life, I always wished I could muster the energy, time and resource to track my spending. Languor always gets the better of me and I find an excuse to put it off until the next time the feel tornadoes again.
So, what if there existed a solution that you could authorize to connect to all your financial institutes, grab all your statements and paint you a picture of your life – in a comprehensible manner.

This nifty solution will process all your credit, checking and saving transactions and echo:
  1. All your income and its source
  2. All your expenses – fixed and variable.
  3. Classify all your expense – first in broad categories that you could deep dive into later
  4. Daily, monthly, yearly views
  5. Projections
  6. Risks and possible bankruptcy
  7. Bill reminders
Won’t this solution be truly amazing and convenient?

I always authenticate my thought for ingenuity, after a few minutes of Googling, I found Mint.

I feel dejected and now have to change tracks. I have to transform this entry from what could have been my thought to an advertisement for this cloud/mobile app.

I didn’t want to trash can my thought because I think it could have been an epic of an idea.

I haven’t logged on to it yet, but as soon as I am convinced of the security, I will. You should too.


Maddy said...

Sound interesting Atit. Will definitely try sometime. However perhaps i belong to different school where they teach to throw away old bank statements and worry least about money matter.

Unknown said...

Hi Ambuj,

I am with you when it comes to throwing away paper statement but i havent been able to uprade my middle class status like you have :)
