Monday, April 16, 2012

An African American, Female, Age 35

[You need to go back to reading from the Prologue: Smiling Block Murders if this is your first in this series]

Wednesday March 14th 6.00pm

Lassie, the famous fictional collie dog, brought us to our seventh victim.

A few irate drivers called animal control reporting a pit bull running amok on Huntington Drive North. The pit bull jumped in front of passing car bringing them to a screeching halt. At each car, he would bark intensely, climb up to the driver’s side window or on the hood of the car and startled the drivers. The dog would continue barking up until the driver built the courage to run through him. Several drives were disrupted until this couple walked by.

A dog adoring couple passing by, unsettled by the dogs behavior decide to attempt to calm him. It’s a pit bull and very few would take their chances. They managed to approach him without harm, pet it a little and within 10mins they were able to sit him down and calm him.

The dog took in their kind gesture and caught the woman by her shirt, tugging her long in the direction a parking lot along a park. The couple followed till they reached a car after which the pit bull let go and ran ahead a few yards and starred at the ground a few feet ahead. 

When the couple reached the dog, they found a lady lying in the street. The woman walked over to the lady on the ground and tried to check on her. She found a blood spill. The man called 911.

   Crime Scene Photo: Courtesy Google Street View

Victim number seven. No id no purse and only the Smiling blocks. 

The joke in the department corridor was that LPAD had finally found their first witness to the “smiling block murders”. They called him Lassie.

Forensic traced her fingerprint through DMV and identified her to be Rose Johnson, African American, unmarried, aged 35. Time of death around 5.00pm

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