Friday, April 20, 2012

The Smiling Block Murderer

[You need to go back to reading from the Prologue: Smiling Block Murders if this is your first in this series]
Special Agent Ednit Joules, a grade A psychologist who specializes in paranormal deviations and in deriving patterns was summoned to work this case. He is believed to be a member of a covert and an unknown, unspoken of intelligence agency.

It was almost after three weeks of quiet that agent Ednit started working the case. After studying the case Ednit came up with the following list of commonalities that existed in the eight seemingly unrelated killings:
  1. The weapon of choice was the same hunter’s knife, big and sharp enough to decapitate a grizzly bear in a single sweep
  2. All stabbings took place in the street
  3. All stabbings were on Wednesday, the third day of the week
  4. All stabbings had no witness and no forensic evidence.
  5. All personal belongs were taken away probably as trophies The only things left behind at each of the crime scenes was a body and a piece of paper 
Ednit stared hard at the wall and tried to drive the connection between the victim and the blocks on the paper. He detested the LAPD referring to it as smiling blocks. 

It was not a coincidence that all victims were stabbed on a Wednesday and that there were eight victims and eight columns in the block. He looked hard and noticed that the second victim, Toan and the seventh victim Rose each had 4 letters in their first name and they fit well in the second and seventh columns. He proceeded to fill the blocks with the first name of the victim in the sequence of the killing. They all fit well in. 

Ednit now looked across each of the seven rows. If each of the seven rows corresponded to a day of the week, then Wednesday would be the third row.

Harrison! Now that seems like a name. There was no other row, full or partial, that conveyed a name or anything that seemed of interest. Endit thought of pursuing Harrison as a lead.

Is Harrison the first name or the last name? There would be several thousand Harrison in Los Angeles alone.

Spending a whole day in a state of conundrum, Ednit repeatedly flipped through all the crime scene photographs, autopsy reports and other assembled documentation.

As he filled through the crime scene pictures he noticed another thing common. All victims were found lying in a close proximity to a sprayed wall. It was time for field trip. He thought to visit each crime scene and look at the graffiti and even ask around on who the street artistic was?

Each of the sprays were signed “RoryH”. A quick search through the criminal records pulled out three Rory Harrison. Two of these were convicted felons. One was serving time at the time of the eight killings and the other was convicted for man slaughter. He had apparently stabbed his neighbor in self-defense and had pleaded not guilty. The third Rory was arrested and fined on three occasions for destroying public property by spray painting walls. Record had it that he was fined for spray painting the sights where Phoebe, Bryan and Rose were found.

There was probable cause to pull him in for questioning but there was no hard forensic evidence to connect him with the murders. He walks a free man.

Would you like the story to end in a perfect crime or would you like it to have the traditional good triumphs over evils? If you want to Rory Harrison arrested and prosecuted for his heinous crimes come back tomorrow.

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