Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prologue: Smiling Block Murders

In the last eight consecutive weeks, the Los Angeles Police Department received reports of stabbed bodies thrown into the streets, in different neighborhoods across the city. All murder victims were adults in the 21-50 age groups belonging to a diverse ethnicity. The randomness of these murders made the LAPD suspect them to be the works of a psychopath. The LAPD could not conjure any pattern in the killings and found nothing common between the victims. The bodies were wiped clean and the one evidence the perpetrator left behind at each of the kill site was this piece of paper. 

I invite you to read my first concise and hopefully an enthralling thriller as I publish it over the next 10 or 11 days.
Come back each day as the bodies are called in by residents each week and the LAPD scratches their heads to solve the “The Smiling Block Murders”

Reference to all people, places and incidents, except for the Google street views, are purely the works of my thought factory. Any resemblance to reality outside this factory will be an “Oh Shit” coincidence.

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