Friday, April 13, 2012

A Mexican, Male, Age 27

[You need to go back to reading from the Prologue: Smiling Block Murders if this is your first in this series]

Wednesday 29th February 5.00pm

Three of the neighborhood school kids in uniform having completed their detention for destructing school property were walking to the home bound bus stop at 5.00pm. As they walked to the bus stop, they saw a man sitting on side walk hugging the speed limit post sign on North Avenue 54. The man looked more and more familiar as they were approaching him and the bus stop. As it turns out, the man was wearing the school’s janitor uniform but his low hanging head made it difficult to recognize him.

The closer they reached and the harder they looked they recognized him to be Aciano Cortez, the school janitor. The three tried to look around to and figure why the good humored janitor was in such a dejected stoop. A stream of blood following from him and into the nearby drain caught their eyes.

The three kids panicked and ran back to the school just in time to catch up with the departing school principal to explain their finding.

   Crime Scene Photo: Courtesy Google Street View

LAPD on the scene and frustrated to find the paper with Smiling Blocks.

Forensics put his death an hour or two ago.

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