Friday, April 13, 2012

An African American, Male, Age 25

[You need to go back to reading from the Prologue: Smiling Block Murders if this is your first in this series]

Thursday 23rd February 8.30am

The call came in on Thursday at 8.30am. The manager of “All Roofing and Building Material Corporation” on his way the company warehouse on West 58 Street was parking his car and spotted a man with an afro lying face down in the street, in a dark puddle of blood. 

The body was of a male, African American. Cause of death was a single stab wound in the lower left abdomen. The body had no id but it wasn’t difficult for the LAPD to identify the victim. The victim was Bryan Johnson, a drug dealer convicted on multiple counts of possession, armed robbery and stalking.

  Crime Scene Photo: Courtesy Google Street View

The LAPD were too familiar with the scene to believe it to be a drug deal gone wrong or a rival gang attack.

Forensic reported that he was stabbed not less than 10 hours ago. Like all other victims, there was no id, and no money. In this case there were no drugs either. 

There was just this piece of paper clenched tightly in his right hand.

What was this paper? 

One officer comment, if you move the top left corner dark square to the second last row and second last column and shift it by one column, it looks like a smiling face. 

May be this is the stabbers way of mocking the police department. 

This was the fourth stab victim in the fourth consecutive weeks having the same panache. It was time to call in the specialists.

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